Notes from Books: Clean Code
Clean Code Principles
- DRY - don’t repeat yourself
- KISS - keep it simple and stupid
- follow standard conventions
- keep configurable data at high levels
- prefer polymorphism to if/else and switch/case
- follow the law of demeter - a class should know only its direct dependencies
- be consistent
Meaningful Names
- should be intention-revealing
- don’t use ‘list’ for grouped stuff if it’s not a list (DS), use ‘group’ instead
- don’t use abbreviations
- use pronounceable and searchable names
- should do only one thing
- should be small
- ideally should have zero (niladic) or one argument (monadic), followed by two (dyadic) and three (polyadic)
- more than three requires very special justification and shouldn’t be used
- don’t pass a boolean into a function - does one thing if the flag istrue and another if the flag is false
- up to 10-20 lines
- if you’re thinking about writing a comment, then the code should be refactored
- don’t write comments if you can explain your intent in code
- comment should explain WHY
- comments can be used to warn about certain consequences
- TODO comments
- not every function needs to have docstring - it clutters up the code
- check recommendations for lines per file
- smaller files are easier to understand than large ones