Notes from Conferences: Deep Inside Django's ORM: How Django Builds Queries


ORM Structure

  • example query: blogs = Blog.objects.all()
  • behind the scenes:
    #               Manager     
    #         Model    |    Filter
    #          _|_   __|__   |
    #         /   \ /     \ / \ 
    blogs = Blog.objects.all()
    # \___/
    #   |
    # Queryset
  • design goals of ORM:
    • no SQL like words
    • no SQL strings
    • purely function calls

Call Chain

  • classes which play role in the whole process:
    • Manager
    • QuerySet
    • Query
    • SQLCompiler


Manager creates QuerySet


class BaseManager:
  def get_queryset(self):
    Return a new QuerySet object. Sublasses can
    override this method to customize the behavior
    of the Manager.
    return self._queryset_class(model=self.model,

QuerySet creates Query


class QuerySet:
  """Represent a lazy database lookup
  for a set of objects."""
  def query(self):
      if self._deferred_filter:
          negate, args, kwargs = self._deferred_filter
          self._deferred_filter = None
      return self._query 

Query passes Query to SQLCompiler


class Query:
    def sql_with_params(self):
    Return the query as an SQL string and the parameters
    that will be substituted into the query.
    compiler = self.get_compiler(DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
    return compiler.as_sql()

What does the compiler do?


class SQLCompiler:
    def get_select(self):
    Return three values:
    - a list of 3-tuples of 
      (expression, (sql, params), alias)
    - a klass_info structure,
    - a dictionary of annotations
    The (sql, params) is what the expression will 
    produce, and alias is the "AS alias" for the 
    column (possible None).
    The klass_info structure contains the following information
    - The base model of the query.
    - Which columns for that model are present in the query (by
      position of the select clause).
    - related_klass_infos: [f, klass_info] to decent into
    The annotations is a dictionary of {'attname': column proposition} values.
  • the base model of the query -> table
  • Which columns for that model are present in the query -> important also for ordering, as results from the database are enumerated nad not hashed like in a dictionary
  • related_klass_infos -> important for compiling joins

The Query Object

qs = Blog.objects.all()
# SELECT "demo_blog"."id", "demo_blog"."title" FROM "demo_blog"
# {'demo_blog': <django.db.models.sql.datastructures.BaseTable>}
# {'demo_blog': 0}
# {'demo_blog': ['demo_blog']}
# demo_blog
  • alias_map -> points to the data structure BaseTable to reference the actual table
  • alias_refcount -> gets increased if we add another joint tables
  • base_table -> derived from the models meta class

What triggers the execution of the query?

  • as long as you don’t call any of the methods QuerySet does nothing with the database
  • most of the time the methods that trigger the execution as special Python methods (dunder)
    • example of these methods on the QuerySet:
      • __iter__ (e.g. for blog in qs)
      • __len__ (returns count of instances)
      • __getitem__ (e.g. qs[:10]) - implements LIMIT`
      • couple of others like __bool__, __nonzero__

How does QuerySet.filter() work?


class QuerySet:
    def _filter_or_exclude_inplace(self, negate, args, kwargs):
        if negate:
            self._query.add_q(Q(*args, **kwargs))
            self._query.add_q(Q(*args, **kwargs))
  • everything that’s put in the filter (and exclude) ends up as a regular Q object
  • out of the Q objects the Django ORM builds something called the WhereNode
  • example of the WhereNode tree:
    blogs = Blog.objects.filter(title__istartswith="A")
    # (AND: IStartsWith(Col(demo_blog, demo.Blog.title), 'A'))
  • example of a bit more complex filter (everything that has id 1 or starts with A):
     blogs = Blog.objects.filter(Q(Q(id=1) | Q(title__istartswith="A")))
     # (AND:
     #     (OR: Exact(Col(demo_blog,, 1),
     #       IStartsWith(Col(demo_blog, demo.Blog.title), 'A')))
    • two combined filters -> one exact and one IStartsWith
    • AND -> a preparation for the next filter to be added
    • how does AND work? ```python def _add_q( self, … branch_negated=False, current_negated=False, … ): “"”Add a Q-object to the current filter.””” connector = q_object.connector current_negated = current_negated ^ q_object.negated branch_negated = branch_negated or q_object.negated … for child in q_object.children: …


    • connector -> the AND connector to the next query
    • current_negated, branch_negated -> figures out if I have a branch in my current tree which is negated and which is not negated

What about views?

  • we have a model
  • but we also have a view, which might be accessed faster
  • how to query that view but still get our model?

Monkey patch the query object
from django.db.models.sql.datastructures import BaseTable 
bt = BaseTable("demo_secondblog", "demo_secondblog")

blogs.query.alias_map = {'demo_secondblog': bt}
blogs.query.alias_refcount = {'demo_secondblog': 0}
blogs.query.table_map = {'demo_secondblog': ["demp_secondblog"]}
blogs.query.base_table = "demo_secondblog"

# SELECT "demo_secondblog"."id",
# "demo_secondblog"."title" FROM
# "demo_secondblog"
  • the principle is to overwrite the attributes and change the compiler in that way but still end up with a instance of a blog and not of a second blog
  • the worst solution

Use Unmanaged Models
class UnmanagedBlog(Blog):
    class Meta:
        managed = False 
        db_table = "demo_secondblog"

How do values flow back from compiler to the model instance?

Call chain:

  • QuerySet.__iter__
  • QuerySet.iterator
  • Query.get_compiler
  • SQLCompiler.results_iter
  • SQLCompiler.as_sql



class ModelIterable:
    def __iter__(self):
        for row in compiler.results_iter(results):
                obj = model_cls.from_db(
                    db, init_list, row[model_fields_start:model_fields_end]
  • takes the results from the compiler and instantiates the model class
  • init_list, row -> the database returns the data in an array and it’s neccessary to have a correspondence between the name of the field and the actual position of the field

The Main Takeaways

  • the call chain:
    • Manager
    • QuerySet
    • Query
    • SQLCompiler
  • each of these classed add one leyer of abstactions
  • almost every need you might have for custom queries can be met by writting with a custom manager
    • example of soft delete manager, where you don’t delete data, but set flag deleted and don’t want this data to end up in the SELECT queries:
      class BlogManager(models.Manager):
          def get_queryset(self):
              return super().get_queryset().filter(deleted=False)
      class Blog(models.Model):
          objects = BlogManager()
          title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
          deleted = models.BooleanField(default=False)
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About Mia Bajić

Software engineer and community events organizer.