Notes from Books: K8s In Action

Kubernetes Resources


  • all containers of a pod are on the same node -> a pod never spans two nodes
  • why pods and not individual containers? because the principle of Docker & K8s is one process = one container and it’s necessary to have something above containers that’d group containers that host the same app
  • pod of containers allows you to run closely related processes together and pro- vide them with (almost) the same environment as if they were all running in a single container, but it also keeps them separated
  • all containers are located in the same set of Linux namespaces -> they share the same IP address and port space


  • docker logs <container id>
  • cubectl logs <pod name> -c <container name>

Replication & Controllers

  • liveness probe
    • mechanism to check if pods are healthy
    • part of YAML
  • replication controller (or replica set) -> now deployment
    • checks, how many replicas of pods are
    • if a pod disappeares, it replication controller creates a new one
  • horizontal scalling
    • set up higher amount of pods through command line $ kubectl scale rc kubia --replicas=10 or directly in the YAML


  • single, constant point of entry to a group of pods providing the same service
  • points to pods using labels
  • service has a static IP address, which never changes
    • when POD gets killed/deleted/whatever, ReplicaController creates a new one, which has new IP
      • service solves issue with pods changing IP addresses and makes sure that pods receive connection
      • multiple pods may provide the same service, hence the same IP is needed (in this case, the service IP)
  • for a service to be accessible from outside, its type has to be set up as NodePort or LoadBalancer

Types Of Services

  • ClusterIP
    • accessible only from inside the cluster
  • NodePort
    • static port on each node’s IP
  • LoadBalancer
    • exploses the service through external load balancer
  • ExternalName
    • accessible through CNAME value


  • component of pod
  • a volume is available to all containers in the pod, but it must be mounted in each container that needs to access it
  • volumes are used to share data accross containers


  • images are template to create containers, containers are instances created from images
  • images are created from another images, two different images can have same parent image as their base
  • check additinal information about containers:
    • enter the container -> docker inspect <container name>
    • in the continer -> ps aux
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About Mia Bajić

Software engineer and community events organizer.