Notes from Conferences: Run your tests in hundreds of different environments fast. I mean really fast



  • large amount of tests: ~450 tests in test suite
  • large amount of environments to run test suite in: > 400
  • 7 Python versions
  • 20 Python web frameworks
  • 2-9 versions of each web framework
  • total duration: 38 min 51 sec

The aim is to reduce the total duration of tests running time.

Testing stack:

  • Pytest
  • Flake8, Black & MyPy
  • Tox
  • Make
  • GitHub Actions

Refactoring Ideas

Running tests in paralel

Tox parallel auto

  • first idea was to use tox --parallel auto
  • default:
  • with tox --parallel auto: image
  • improved speed from 40 to 25 minutes, but that was not good enough

Splitting it up

  • design: image
  • custom writted script to parse the tox file and create a yaml file for each configuration
  • image
  • reality: image
  • there were only 15 concurrent runners, as there was limited amount of runners on the company level, so when someone else was running tests, there would be less runners available

A bit of both worlds - parallelize CPU + parallelize runners

  • design: image
  • saved 20-30 minutes

Cleaning up YAML file

  • removed node.js as it’s not used anymore
  • removed Redis and Postgres services, as Redis was not used anymore and Postgres was used only for testing
  • result: saved 2 minutes

GitHub Actions Cache

  • cache is used for caching dependencies from pypi
  • the idea was to cache the whole directory, so the dependencies are not installed over and over again
  • it works in a way that if any dependency is change, the cache is invalidated, but in the reality the cache didn’t refresh and they were running the tests against the old dependencies
  • they decided not to implement it, as it did not work correctly

RAM drives

  • the basic idea was - if you can’t use the cache, use RAM drives
  • directories in your file system, which is not sitting on the disk but in the memory
  • memory is 50x faster than disk, therefore it might be the better to have virtual environments directly in the memory
  • image
  • saved 2 minutes

Local PyPI Server

  • the virtual environments are in the memory now, but all dependencies still have to be downloaded from the PyPI server, before they’re installed, so the idea is to create a local PyPI server
  • it was not implemented

Total Results

Ideas Considered


Tests Running Time

  • from ~40 minutes to <7 minutes
Mia Bajić's Picture

About Mia Bajić

Software engineer and community events organizer.