TIL: Rust & Advent of Code

For the first time I’ve decided to try to rewrite some solutions to Rust.

Data structres

  • if I have a counter, it has to be mut, because it’s mutable: let mut sum = 0;
  • when assigning a value which cannot be None then we use Some to avoid rull referece errors
    let mut first = None;
    if first.is_none() {
      first = Some(ch);


  • Rust uses if let construction for pattern matching and conditional execution:
    • firstly it checks the condition
    • then it extraacts values from Option
    • then it binds them to variables
if let (Some(first_number), Some(last_number)) = (first, last) {

-> is equivalent to Python:

if first is not None and last is not None:
    first_number = first
    last_number = last




Reading from a file


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About Mia Bajić

Software engineer and community events organizer.